
A simple yet powerful strategy to create a new habit easily

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It’s the middle of the year and you know what that means – it’s time to check up on those resolutions! How are they going? Did you already cross them off your list, or have they been relegated to a distant memory?

Are you tired of making the same New Year resolutions, only to fail again and again?

Procrastination is one major roadblock on your path towards success – but there’s an easy way out!

Why not try developing a new habit; it won’t be as hard or challenging as you think.

With simple strategies like blogging, productivity will soon become effortless – so why wait any longer?!

Take charge now & begin pursuing that goal once more!

A year ago, I was so enthusiastic to jump into the world of minimalism blogging!

It sounded like a great idea but little did I know it would take quite some effort.

To ensure that my blog gets noticed by Google, consistency is key from day one – which meant writing every single day at first.

Although this habit felt easy to get started with, as expected after two weeks or so it became challenging and took considerable dedication for me to stick with it…but here we are nonetheless now!

So I started looking for excuses to postpone my duty, doing extra chores irrelevant to my goal.

While I had initially taken on the ambitious goal of blogging daily, it became clear that such an undertaking was a bit too much.

So instead, I’m striving to blog at least twice a week and let my creative inspiration take me when possible! Drafts galore – here we come!

new habits

It’s so easy to procrastinate when a goal feels miles away in the future, and we don’t register any consequences right now.

That can backfire down the line though!

Frustration only grows if you see other people hitting incredible goals while your own have become an impossible dream – I faced this problem myself with blogging for years.

But even if it seems daunting, remember that these feelings are common across almost every life-changing aim you set out to achieve.

What is the worst mistake we comment while setting a new goal?

Goals can seem like a daunting path to walk down, but the biggest challenge is often ourselves.

We set time limits which provide some temporary comfort; when you know that it won’t have an immediate outcome if we procrastinate then motivation vanishes from view!

Rather than setting goals based on far-off targets, prioritize smaller steps and chip away at each individual one – this way progress along your journey will be much smoother (and more rewarding).

A daily decision solidifies a habit.

Habits are like the building blocks of life – small, consistent decisions over time result in something powerful.

Starting small is key to achieving a goal daily and eventually making it second nature! The only way to make this happen?

Take action and become constant- practice makes perfect after all! Knowing your strategy might not be enough; sometimes you just need an extra nudge.

So why don’t we begin today with these simple yet effective steps for forming lasting habits? Let’s get started now!

The schedule ahead strategy

Start working towards your goals today and make it easier with a schedule!

Picking an activity, marking it in the calendar as a reminder ensures that you focus on taking action right away.

You don’t have to worry about when is the best time to start, just do it now and keep going – this helps take out all of those nagging doubts from tomorrow’s never-ending postponements.

For example:

I want to exercise till I lose weight before summer.


Feeling like you want to become the best version of yourself?

Making a commitment towards achieving that health goal is definitely honorable, but if your timeline isn’t realistic then it’s time to create an even better plan.

Think step-by-step and make sure each action helps lead toward creating healthier habits and reaching those goals!

Goal: Lose weight

Habit: Exercise more

Activity: Exercise x days for x amount of time

Strategy: Write down the activity on my calendar

The goal is fractioned into smaller steps that won’t overwhelm or frustrate you by taking this approach.

It’s time to create a schedule and stick to it.

If you want to create a habit that’ll stick, this strategy has proven successful!

It helped me establish consistency in my blogging and manage other responsibilities at the same time.

Give it a try – consistency is key for forming any new habits.

What we do constantly is far more relevant than what we occasionally do.

How to start the strategy?

Follow these simple three steps and get started today!


With a little effort and commitment, it’s so easy to turn your passions into regular habits.

It may not be easy in the beginning, but stay focused on what you want – soon enough those dreams will become reality!

Write down your goal

Let’s take the fuss out of this activity and make it fun – let’s dream up a plan that takes all guesswork away!

Remember not to place a deadline.

Decide the schedule beforehand

Keeping your calendar up to date is a great way to plan and stay on track with activities.

Choose practical time frames that work for you, whether it be one hour or more – depending on the complexity of the task!

Incorporating helpful habits can also help set yourself up for success; think about having coffee before getting started in the morning or reading after brushing your teeth at night.

Technology like apps are terrific tools if used correctly as reminders and alarms but don’t forget classic methods like notebooks too!

Following this strategy and becoming constant to create a new habits won’t be as difficult.

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