
50 minimalist principles

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Ready to simplify your life? Grab a hot cup of tea, because we’ve collected 50 minimalism rules that will make all the difference! Get ready for an enlightening read.

Minimalism is a great way to simplify your life and get rid of superfluous possessions, but the road isn’t always easy.

To help you take that first step or further solidify existing minimalistic habits, here are some concepts I’ve found insightful – think about them deeply as some may spark lightbulb moments in you!

Table of Contents

1 Life has a funny way of working out – it always lands where it’s supposed to be

Don’t let the past or future throw a wrench in your plans- enjoy life while it’s happening!

Curiosity isn’t just for cats; make sure you’re totally immersed in each and every moment, otherwise what are you really living?

2 Declutter your life and achieve zen-like clarity!

Don’t let space clutter bog down your mind – de-clutter and get organized at home! It’s the ultimate stress reliever, allowing you to focus on productive activities and fill up with positive vibes.

3 Routine puts an end to the chaos

If you keep up a consistent schedule, its like greasing the wheels of life and sending it on a thrill ride. No more chaotic confusion; hello smooth sailing!

4 Every unhappy person has an attachment

Don’t let life be like a backpack stuffed to the brim – it’s time for you to unburden yourself so that peace and joy can take center stage in your heart.

5 Decorative objects must be few or none

Ready to spice up your life?

Why not challenge yourself and hide away those beloved decorations for a week?

You never know – you may be surprised at how much zest can come from shaking things up in the dΓ©cor department!

6 Own the essentials

You do not need as much as you might think, start minimalizing your life.

7 Each item must have a home

Don’t let the allure of impulse buying get the best of you – unless your house is ready to become its new home, there’s no point in bringing it through that door.

8 The important thing is to do the important thing

Stay on the path, and do not let meaningless things distract from your life goals.

9 What we own owns us

The stuff you own must be cleaned and taken care of, own less, and do not allow your stuff to rule your life.

10 Make your entry an inviting place

Invite good people and good energy through your door into your life.

11 Changes are challenges

Don’t let anyone convince you to stay put! You only have one life, so make sure it’s without regrets by taking risks and embracing change. Go live your best version of this wild ride we call β€œlife”!

12 Prefer emptiness over opulence

Learn to appreciate the beauty of emptiness and serenity; opulence is noise and materialism.

13 Prefer silence over noise

14 Prefer timeless over trendy

Do not waste money and time on trends that fade after a while, choose classic and timeless as your style.

15 Owning less is the shortest road to happiness

Life’s too short to be weighed down by the burdens of possessions. Invest your time and energy in what matters most: relationships, wellness, and living an enriching life!

16 An empty room looks beautiful if it is lovingly arranged

Emptiness isn’t dull; if you take care of your space and your things, they will look beautiful.

17 Surrounding yourself with memories is living in the past

No matter how difficult the past may have been, don’t let yourself stay stuck there – it’s time to take a step into the present and let go of old memories.

Self-love could be taking that first courageous leap towards living fully in today!

18 All your belongings say who you are

First impressions can be powerful, so make sure you’re sending the right ones!

Don’t forget that other people’s take on who you are might conflict with your own – choose wisely and leave a lasting impression.

19 Living in an unhealthy house is having your wardrobes full and not finding what you are looking for

From chaos to focus – I realized that my time was being squandered away when it could have been used more effectively.

It’s amazing what a difference streamlining and organizing can make!

20 You will rest in a space that guides you to the essentials

Owning less will teach you what you genuinely need, and your mind will stop wanting things.

21 The place you live in will affect you for the better or, the worse

Somethings are best left on the cutting room floor, like toxic people and their bad vibes.

If you feel your environment is dragging you down, it’s time to hit eject!

22 People and their attitudes also influence us

Steer away from people who don’t get your gist!

Don’t be forced to agree with the herd – follow only those values and principles that you hold dear.

23 The life masters are capable of finding their treasures in the ordinary

When you’re clear on your objectives, nothing can throw you off course.

Let unwavering resolve be the vessel of your voyage to success!

24 Dirt and dust stop the energy flow and destroy the harmony

25 Your basic needs are the only things you need to live

Don’t settle for more than you need – surprise yourself with the joy of living simply!

26 If you can stuff all your belongings in a suitcase, you have reached peace, serenity, and availability

Breaking free from the daily grind and heading off to explore uncharted territories?

That liberating feeling is unmatched!

27 Small thinking is living freely and simplified

28 Live with little and be prepared as if the enemy were to appear anytime forcing you to leave your home in a few minutes

29 When the dreams of ego die, we can go back to a simpler life

Too much focus on material possessions will lead you down a path of soulless satisfaction and leave your life devoid of true fulfillment.

It’s in your best interest to search for more meaningful endeavors that can truly make an impact!

30 The root of our problems is our greed

31 Look at things closely to capture their quality

Minimalists don’t let first impressions fool them – they’re always ready to look beyond the surface and make smart choices that focus on making the most out of their space, life, and everything in between.

32 Less is more

33 The simpler the things, the higher their quality

You can choose to own less, but that small amount of belonging can be of higher quality, lasting longer.

34 Appreciate owning little

Having only the essentials is not a bad thing. It teaches us to be grateful for what we own and stops us from feeling envy.

35 Knowing what you like and dislike is basic in minimalism

Minimalists live life to the fullest with little – but only that which truly speaks to them.

After all, why waste precious space on things you don’t love?

36 Our belongings must be useful for our bodies, but also our souls

37 Get used to evaluating what enters your life

38 Do not admit in your universe things that do not satisfy your senses

39 Most people are not aware of what they need in their lives

Society often encourages us to reach beyond our needs and strive for more, but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

When feeling tempted by others’ opinions of what you β€˜need’, remember that having enough is a sign of real contentment!

40 Objects are recipients of our emotions

41 Objects must give both utility and pleasure

Your belongings should bring you joy and pride – that’s the key to developing a lasting bond with them. After all, treating your possessions kindly creates its own reward!

42 Reject what does not fit

43 Vow to keep what you like

44 Own little stuff but own the best stuff

When it comes to possessions, quality matters – make sure you invest in those select few items with love! That way they’ll be around for years and not just a passing phase.

45 Feel free to replace what is not perfect for you with what it is

46 Our mistakes are our teachers

Our past serves to teach us valuable lessons, but it should never own our present.

After all, life only happens when you live in the moment!

47 Simplicity is the union of beauty and practical

48 Nothing should be superfluous

49 Quality is not expressed in numbers

When it comes to life’s luxuries, expensive isn’t always best – the real value is finding things that bring meaningfulness and joy.

Take flowers for example: a small vase of wildflowers beats out an pricey silk roses arrangement any day!

50 Who has tried quality does not settle for mediocrity

Ditching stuff that’s unnecessary can make life a whole lot better; just keep what you need and let go of the rest.

You’ll be able to enjoy your surroundings with fewer distractions, leaving more time for stress-free moments!

Here are some other Minimalist Lifestyle posts you might find interesting.

10 Minimalist Questions

10 Tips To Be Organized

10 Ways To Save Money

A Minimalist Is Not A Cheapskate

Avoid These Minimalist Mistakes

Reasons To Take Your Shoes Off Before Entering Your Home

The 6 Type Of Minimalists

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50 minimalist principles