
¿How to become and stay well organized? 5 tips

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Have you ever felt envious of those who effortlessly stay organized? Don’t worry – achieving this level of efficiency is totally within reach!

Are you feeling overwhelmed, out of control and in need of some organization?

Whether it’s your home that is full chaos with clothes strewn all over the floor or a kitchen countertop that just keeps piling up with dirty dishes – don’t despair!

It may not be easy but trust us when we say, organizing doesn’t have to be boring.

We’ve got quick solutions for every part of your life so you can gain back precious time and inner peace.

So get ready, sharpen those organizational skills…and start tidying up!

Life can be messy and chaotic, so why not learn some simple tips for tidying up?

Before we jump into the details of how to organize your home or office space, let’s answer some common questions about this popular method.

When it comes to utilizing our time wisely, there is no limit on what you could find fulfilling – taking online courses or even creating new income sources are just two examples!

If a full-fledged Konmari overhaul sounds intimidating though, start here with these basic rules instead.

how to organize the kitchen

What is the difference between organization and order?

Organization is more than just tidying up or creating a system – it’s an ongoing plan to keep your life in order.

It involves arranging objects, people, and events into the most efficient layout for success.

But simply having organization isn’t enough; you must strive to maintain that structure so everything runs smoothly without interruption.

Comparatively speaking, order refers only to how items are placed within a space regardless of its purposeful intention.

Both terms may appear similar on paper but their meanings will help us make sense of our lives when properly applied!

five super simple steps to become and stay well organized

Is staying well organized difficult?

Navigating the start of a task can be tedious, but with persistence comes rewards.

Picture how much less stressful life could be if you followed through on your commitments; all it takes is some dedication and consistency!

Little by little, procrastination’s chaotic consequences – like wrinkled clothes or an untidy home – will dissipate as you settle into routine maintenance.

Maintaining order in our lives brings not only tidiness to our surroundings but also tranquility for ourselves mentally and physically, making us better prepared to engage harmoniously with those around us.

how to organize the desktop

Why should you become more organized?

Without proper organization, you may struggle to progress and achieve your goals.

Procrastination can easily creep in if we don’t stay on top of our work – leading to potential setbacks such as missed deadlines or lost opportunities.

Thus it is essential that we recognize the importance of staying organized so that success doesn’t slip through our fingers!

Affects your focus level

Working in a crowded workspace can be extremely challenging – studies have proven that it inhibits our ability to stay focused.

Our brains crave an uncluttered environment with few distractions so we are able to remain productive and on task!

Increases your depression levels

Disorder and depression can fuel each other, trapping you in a swirl of confusion and sadness.

But by embracing the challenge to become organized despite it all, courageously pushing through that stuck feeling, you can break free from this cycle-and reap both emotional and physical rewards.

Increases stress levels

Busy lives can be filled with all kinds of projects, but a messy environment can increase fatigue and stress levels.

Keeping an organized space could lead to greater peace of mind.

You might develop more unhealthy habits

From small things like tidying up the kitchen to big decisions in life, we all find comfort and familiarity within routines.

Although having a good habit can be beneficial, sometimes it’s inevitable that bad habits get entwined into our lives as well.

To stay on track with your goals of organization, start by tackling one space at time.

If you begin organizing your pantry or cupboards this could help motivate large changes such as sorting out drawers in other rooms!

Higher risk of wasting money

Misplacing essential items such as socks or pantry supplies is a common occurrence in the lives of those whose homes are disorganized.

Instead of realizing that they already own something, these people often find themselves buying unnecessary duplicates – and what’s worse, forgetting to buy the very things they needed!

In other words, chaotic environments make it difficult to properly keep track and remember our belongings; resulting in extra purchases we do not need.

When your surroundings are chaotic, you become chaotic.

Take back control of your life by starting small: declutter your home.

Not only can this simple action help visually improve the harmony in your space, it also reduces stress and opens up new possibilities that allow you to focus on big-picture objectives.

Let the newfound tranquility achieved through organization provide an empowering push towards reaching all kinds of aspirations!

organize bedroom

What are the benefits of staying well organized?

Start the day with a win!

Start your day off right by making a habit of crafting the perfect bed.

It’s an immediate way to gain satisfaction, setting you up for further success throughout the day!

It helps you stay healthy

Organizing can not only help keep your space neat, but also provide a great opportunity to get up and move.

Working in small bursts of physical activity as you organize will help add some much-needed calories burned during times when sitting is often the norm!

Helps to achieve goals

Consistency is key to achieving success, and with a well-structured plan that provides an organized system of progress tracking – much like when you exercise regularly – the odds are in your favor.

Promotes healthier habits

With a clean kitchen, you can turn your home into an inviting and inspiring culinary paradise.

Not only will it motivate you to cook more often, but it also leads to fewer food expenses since less is thrown away – so get organizing!

Boosts your mood

When life flips into chaos and you can’t find what you need, organization brings back the order.

With a little bit of effort to structure your things in an orderly fashion, it will bring peace – not just because everything is easier to locate but also because there’s no more anxiety-inducing clutter!

Why is it difficult to be organized?

Disorganization can feel like a comfortable routine – allowing us to deflect responsibility and live in denial.

But beware: these excuses are only an obstacle between who we are now, and the organized person that lies within!

tip and advices to organize the desk

These are some of the most common excuses.

You forget how good it feels to be organized

Being organized doesn’t have to be a full time job.

For many of us, simply having the right amount of order in our lives makes things much more manageable – after all, few can navigate well through chaotic disorganization!

There are multiple shades between total tidiness and utter chaos; decide how you want your life to look by finding what works best for you without feeling overwhelmed or lost.

With some structure in place, everything will feel easier and less stressful.

You have more than what you need

We, as humans, are often guilty of stockpiling items we don’t necessarily need – drawers chock full of extra shoes and toothpastes collecting dust.

Not only does this habit waste both cash and closet space but it also brings on a needless amount of stress when organizing all that “stuff”.

Reining in our tendency to hoard can be difficult for some households so let’s try to find ways together!

You feel lazy

After battling long days at work, getting home and seeing the disarrayed mess can be demoralizing; it’s no surprise that you want to take a break.

You tell yourself “I’ll fix it up on the weekend!” but when those two blessed days come around all you’re thinking about is rest and relaxation.

The vicious cycle of chaos continues for day after week until finally your ever-increasing clutter feels too daunting to tackle – leaving behind an inevitable feeling of defeat.

how to organize your kitchen

5 Step quick organization method

Decluttering your home can be an unavoidably daunting task, but it doesn’t have to come all at once!

To take the stress down a notch, set yourself up for success with this five-step guide.

First: Focus on one area of your home and give 15 – 25 minutes full attention towards tidying that space; whether you start with a room or something as small as a dresser is entirely up to you so long as it isn’t overwhelming.

Afterward, reward yourself with 5 – 10 minute break where assess how successful those moments were in terms of progress made.

Repeat the process until comfort level reaches its end before committing fully upon setting aside time each week for maintenance purposes only – no more letting clutter creep back into view again!


Ready to conquer the clutter?

It all starts with creating three baskets – one for ‘keep’, another one for ‘discard’ and a third container labeled as ‘unsure’.

You might be tempted at times to give up, but just keep on going! Ask yourself helpful questions like:

  • Would I repurchase this?
  • Would I gift this to a loved one?
  • When was the last time I used this?

As you sort through your belongings, it’s important to consider the purpose of each item.

If they do not fulfill any, then don’t feel guilty about letting them go; capture memories with photos instead! Remember – stuff doesn’t necessarily define who we are as individuals.

At the end of your decluttering journey you will feel good about yourself and proud of how far you have come!

tips to organize the bathroom

Group and rehome

Home organization may seem like a daunting task, but it can be much simpler than you think.

Keep your living space clutter-free and make sure everything has its own place within the home – no need to stress over strict rules or regulations!

Just designate general areas for each item so that they aren’t left wandering in limbo; when life gets busy, having this system in place will save time as well as keep order among all of your possessions.


Cleaning and organizing go hand in hand – why not tackle both at the same time?

Make sure to use something soft, like a microfiber cloth or unused cotton shirt.

Plus, you don’t need any special cleaning products; make an easy DIY cleaner with white vinegar mixed with water and some of your favorite essential oils (optional).

Create a schedule

With one spot in your home now organized, it’s time to make a plan for tackling the rest.

Set yourself up for success by creating an organizing schedule that works with your timetable so progress continues – whether you want to focus on one room or divide into smaller spaces like cupboards and drawers.

The important thing is staying accountable as create and maintain more order in your home!

Start by setting aside a few minutes every day for decluttering.

Set the timer, no more than 30 minutes at one time will do the trick – two times in the beginning, then reduce it down to once a week when you begin seeing progress!

This can help ensure that organizing doesn’t become overwhelming or exhausting.

how to organize the bathroom drawers

Check every once in a while

Achieving maximum organization requires dedication and a determined mindset.

By taking the time to keep track of your organized areas you will recognize when something is no longer in its place, providing an effective way to reduce clutter.

Additionally, on those days that it all seems chaotic again, don’t despair; simply note it down and take care of it during your next arranging session – where with prior knowledge due diligence should be easier than before!

Treat yourself

Struggling to stay motivated?

Reward yourself for each goal you complete!

Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks, treat yourself by going out with friends or buying your favorite coffee.

You can even give material rewards: practical items like wooden hangers and matching containers will help make a noticeable change in the appearance of your home while motivating you to keep it organized.

The effort is worth it – being organized has amazing benefits that will pay off long-term!

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