evening routine ideas

Best evening routine ideas to sleep better

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Are you searching for the best evening routine ideas to fix your sleepless nights?

Does it seem like no matter how many nights in a row that you get eight hours of sleep, one bad night’s rest can throw off your entire day?

Good sleep is essential for living healthier, more balanced lives.

That’s why I’ve compiled some of the best nighttime routines to help give you an easier time getting the shuteye that you need.

Whether it’s helping reduce stress from your daily life, rearranging your bedroom setup or other techniques to aid in relaxation – these bedtime rituals can greatly improve your quality and duration of sleep!

Read on and learn more about finding better rest with my guide tailored to busy Moms seeking a great night’s slumber.

Set a consistent bedtime

Have you been feeling sluggish lately?

Well, one easy solution could be to set a consistent bedtime and wake up time – even on weekends!

I know it can be tempting to sleep in on those free days, but sticking to a routine actually does wonders for your energy levels and mood.

Plus, you’ll be surprised at how much more productive and refreshed you feel throughout the day.

So let’s make a pact to prioritize our sleep and commit to a healthy sleep schedule. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you!

How to create a sleeping schedule

So you might be wondering how to create a consistent sleeping schedule?

First things first, decide on a reasonable bedtime for yourself and stick to it.

Set a reminder or an alarm to remind yourself to start winding down before bedtime, whether that means turning off electronics or taking a relaxing bath.

Additionally, try to wake up at the same time every day to establish a routine for your body.

Remember to be patient with yourself as it can take some time to adjust to a new sleeping schedule.

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Take a hot shower or bath

Now that we are talking about taking a shower, these are some powerful reasons to consider including it into your nightly routine.

If you’re feeling stressed out and need a little relaxation, I highly recommend taking a nice, hot shower or bath.

Not only does it feel amazing to soak in warm water, but it can also help your body and mind unwind.

The hot water can soothe any tense muscles and ease any aches or pains you may have.

Plus, the steam from the shower or bath can help open up your pores and clear out your sinuses.

And as the warm water washes over you, it can be a great time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, giving you a moment of quiet and peace.

For an extra boost to help you sleep better, use a shampoo bar and soap with lavander scent or a few drops of this marvelous essential oil.

Check out my post about the best essential oils to relax and their benefits.

Dim the lights in your room

If you find it hard to switch off at night and get some quality rest, I’ve got a little trick for you.

Just dim the lights in your room and steer clear of screens an hour before bed.

Why? Well, bright artificial light can really mess with your circadian rhythm, making it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

And screens emit a type of blue light that’s especially disruptive to your body’s natural sleep processes.

So, instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV in bed, try reading a book or taking a relaxing bath.

“But I can’t go to bed without my smartphone!”

Ok, if you really need your phone by your bedside, you can download an app that filters blue light on your screen.

The one I’ve been using for years on my pc and laptop is f.lux completely free and works amazing.

For your phone you can download apps like Blue Light Filter on Android, for Ios you can simply activate the night shift option.

Read a book or magazine

Even though many of us tend to gravitate towrds a phone at night, I’ll insist this is a bad idea.

Instead grab a book or magazine and let yourself sink into the words.

Reading has been proven to reduce stress levels by taking our minds off of our worries and transporting us to another world.

Whether you’re a fan of non-fiction, romance, mystery or sci-fi, there’s a book out there for everyone (just don’t read horror or something related to bad news).

So why not take a break from the chaos of everyday life and indulge in a good read?

Besides if you fall asleep the phone won’t hit your face hard anymore.

Lie down, unwind and let your imagination run wild.

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Write down a list of things to do tomorrow

¿Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed about everything you have to do tomorrow?

I’ve been there, where my body is tired but my mind keeps going over and over the things I have to do, and just like that I’m unable to fall asleep.

Having a cluttered mind impacts negatively on your ability to sleep.

So, instead of keeping everything in your head, try writing down a list of things to do tomorrow.

For this simple yet effective evening routine idea, all you need is a simple notebook or a piece of paper.

This simple task can take the weight off of your shoulders and allow you to feel more organized and prepared for the day ahead.

Plus, crossing off each task as you complete it can give you a great sense of accomplishment! (my favorite thing to do, it feels like a game!)

You can also type everything down on your phone but I highly recommend giving it a shot on a paper, for whatever reason I feel it impacts differently on your final effort to finish your tasks.

So go ahead, grab a pen and paper, and start jotting down your to-do list for tomorrow. You can thank me later!

Practice deep breathing exercises

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to control us.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to soothe your nerves, try practicing deep breathing exercises for just five minutes a day.

Not only does this technique help to calm your racing thoughts, but it also provides a moment of much-needed relaxation amidst the chaos.

By taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly, we allow our bodies to slow down and focus on the present moment – a skill we could all use a little more of.

So why not give it a try?

Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and breathe in deeply, as you do think of every part of your body relax from the tip of your toes to the top of your head.

Here’s a 2 minute YouTube short which shows the military technique to fall asleep in minutes.

You might be surprised at how refreshed you feel in just a matter of minutes.

Create a small oasis to fall asleep

You need to prepare your bedroom for a good quality sleep.

Noise can disrupt your sleep so it’s a good idea to invest in a good pair of earplugs. These little wonders can help block out distracting noises, creating a peaceful sleeping environment.

On the other hand, if you can’t sleep in complete silence try using a white noise machine.

The steady hum can help create a calming atmosphere and drown out any disruptive sounds.

In a world where we are constantly surrounded by technology and artificial light, achieving a peaceful night’s sleep can be a real struggle.

For there is a simple solution that can help you slip into a restful slumber – blackout curtains.

These curtains block out all light, creating a cozy, cave-like atmosphere that signals to your brain that it’s time to shut down and catch some Z’s.

Plus, they can also help with regulating temperature and reducing noise, making for an even more peaceful sleep environment.

A little bit of effort to improve your bedroom for night time can go a long way towards improving your sleep quality!